FAQ: How Does Avatara’s Remote CAD Technology Work?

In the above video, Kraig Kubicek answers the question, “How does Avatara’s CAD in the Cloud technology work?” When it comes to Computer-Aided Design (CAD), there has long been skepticism about its compatibility with cloud technology. Many have experienced challenges with slow file transfers and VPN connections that hinder the efficiency of working on CAD files remotely. However, we have revolutionized the remote CAD experience with our cutting-edge technology. This FAQ addresses how our unique approach overcomes the traditional limitations, providing an unparalleled solution for CAD-enabled companies.

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FAQ Video Transcript

You know, I hear CAD doesn’t work in the cloud often, and in most environments, I’d say that’s probably true.

Because, what typically is happening is you’re trying to open CAD file over a VPN connection, or you’re trying to move that giant file down locally and it typically doesn’t work well.

In our model, we get to cheat a little bit.

We have these high-end CAD systems where we’re not actually using any kind of virtualization.

It’s basically a dedicated server with an AutoCAD certified graphics card.

It’s got souped up RAM and memory that’s equivalent to about a three-to-four-thousand-dollar CAD system.

It sits on the same network in the data center environment right next to the servers, so those massive files that you have – maybe you’re opening a two gig Revit file or something along those lines – it can then access that on a 10 gig backbone.

So, in our model, yes CAD (in the cloud) actually does work.

It’s probably our number one vertical that we work with because there’s really nobody in the industry doing what we do, specifically around CAD enabled companies.

Learn More About CAD in the Cloud